Stratford's People & Culture President Mike D'Amico was recently featured in an Ottawa Business Journal article highlighting the work his team has been doing with the Assembly of First Nations.

    Faced with a recurring challenge of losing talented individuals to well-paying government jobs and the perks that come with them, AFN's VP of Operations and Administration, Jonathan Thompson was led to some tough questions about how jobs were classed and rated across the organization, as well as ensuring pay equity and competitive salaries consistent with market rates.

    This is where Mike and his team stepped in to offer an objective, outside perspective. One that is tailored to the individual needs of the client and their situation.

    “Everything we do is always customized to the client,” D’Amico said. “With AFN, that meant understanding the Indigenous issues and the history that has led us all to where we are today, the nuances of First Nations’ cultures, and seeking and respecting the views of elders and other respected leaders.”

    With engagement from key stakeholders, Stratford put in place a systematic approach to setting job levels resulting in a job evaluation system that’s consistently fair and equitable – with competitive pay scales that will ensure AFN can attract and retain the people it needs.

    Roughly a year after first engaging with Stratford, Thompson says that they "are where [they] want to be." AFN CEO Janice Ciavaglia agrees, "I'm happy about how this positions us for the future.”

    Read the full OBJ article here.